I’ve been at this manuscript, Waiting for April, for a while now. As in - over two years. Of course, in that time I’ve written other things (the sequel), and taken breaks when it has been off with betas or I’ve done beta-reading myself, and when I’ve been off having babies (well, I had a break during the 14 hours of labour, anyway).
This concept has no intention of letting me go. I think about it when I’m supposed to be socializing (sorry, guys and gals, but when I’m staring off into space, I’m writing), when I’m watching TV, and well, pretty much every minute of every day. Right now, though, it feels like I’m clinging to a hot guy who’s been trying to break up with me for a while now. Not that I really know what that feels like (I married my high school sweetheart), but you know what I’m saying.
Don’t get me wrong – I will finish it. I will query it. I will not stop until I’m represented and this book hits the shelves/e-shelves, and it will be the biggest achievement of my life (aside from pushing out two gorgeous kiddies). Maybe I’m speaking out of lack of sleep. Maybe I’ve just hit a rough patch in revisions. Again. Maybe I’ve just read one too many great manuscripts lately *shakes fist at Sarah Fine and Tracy Buscemi*.